HACCP certification

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point or HACCP is a management system present in food safety which focuses on the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement, and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product. HACCP is an internationally recognized system that holds the benchmark for reducing the risk of safety hazards in the food industry. HACCP plans are prepared for each process or product and identify possible hazards and controls in place to make sure that hazards are eliminated or controlled to ensure acceptable levels in the food product.
HACCP is based on seven principles:
  1. Conducting hazard analysis
  2. Identifying the critical control points
  3. Establishing the maximum and minimum characteristic to control the hazard
  4. Establishing critical limits
  5. Establishing monitoring procedures
  6. Establishing record keeping procedures
  7. Establishing verification procedures
Contact us at Global Compliance for more information on how we can help you become HACCP certified.